Membership in the Campbell Artists’ Guild is open to those 18 years of age and older. Dues are paid annually by December 15 and are considered delinquent after December 31. Dues are prorated as follows:
Yearly Active Membership
January–June $50 · July–December $25
Yearly Associate Membership
January–June $25 · July–December $12.50
Active Membership – entitles artist to all privileges including participation in monthly competitions, exhibits and shows.
Associate Membership – entitles artist to all privileges except participation in monthly competitions, exhibits and shows.
Membership Benefits:
- Monthly Meetings
- Painting Demonstrations
- Monthly Newsletter
- Monthly Art Competitions
- Gallery Exposure of Members’ Work
- Festive Annual Holiday Potluck Luncheon
- Group Art Projects
- Exhibit Opportunities
- Annual Art Show and Reception
- Camaraderie with fellow artists
For additional membership inquiries and to download a Membership Application,
visit our Contact Us • Forms page.
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